10 Fun Ways to Bond with Your Child

From the time he was in high school, my friend Matt loved meeting his mom at their local Publix for lunch every Wednesday. However, the day came when Matt grew older, got married, and moved from Florida to California; years later, he still misses his weekly lunch dates with his mom.This is your moment to start hanging out with your child in the same way! Maybe you can’t commit to weekly lunches, but you can go bowling together once a month or walk around the local farmer’s market. Regardless of what you choose to do, it’s important to spend quality time together. Take a look at a few more ideas on how you can bond with your child!

  1. Go out for breakfast: It’s rare in our busy lives that we get the time for a relaxed, leisurely breakfast. Intentionally set aside time to take a slow morning with your child!
  2. Go on a hike or a nature walk: Depending on your child’s age and your nearby surroundings, go explore the great outdoors and get a little exercise in at the same time! Pretend that you’re wildlife experts on your own television show.
  3. Go shopping: The trick here is to not buy anything. Go to the mall and simply walk around window shopping (although don’t be afraid to get a sample here and there). Talk with your child about what she likes and dream about her future together.
  4. Surprise lunch date: Surprises are the best, and a surprise lunch out with Dad or Mom is even better!
  5. Living room campout: Hold an indoor camp night without electronics. Pitch blanket tents, hold a s’mores creativity contest, and enjoy some one-on-one time without distractions.
  6. Early morning secret mission: Before the rest of the house wakes up, take your child to get a secret special breakfast treat, such as a donut.
  7. Take a bike ride: Enjoy some exercise while bonding over a favorite activity such as bike riding. Find a trail or pick a fun end destination, such as an ice cream shop.
  8. Go see a movie: Surprise your child with a special move date. Make sure to go all out with popcorn and candy!
  9. Get crafty: From origami to finger-painting, there are so many easy DIY crafts you and your child can do together. Get creative!
  10. Visit the library: Your local library is a great resource for parent/child events. Make trips to the library special. Encourage your children’s love of learning by frequenting the library together, and set a great example by showing your children how much you enjoy to read, too.

The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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