4 Reasons to Send Your Child to Vacation Bible School

bible-study-1634647_1920Every year, you wonder exactly how beneficial Vacation Bible School will be for your child. Vacation Bible School is more than songs and snacks. The Diocese of Orlando wants you to know the value your child will realize by joining other children his or her age from Catholic schools in Orlando in pursuit of a better understanding of God’s word and the promise of Jesus.

  • Faith-Based Learning

No matter what the lesson, game, song, or skit, the activity relates to God’s word in scripture. When these ideas are presented in a delightfully entertaining environment, children are more apt to remember and repeat what they learn.

  • Learning with Others

If your child is not enrolled in a Catholic school in Orlando, this might be the opportunity for him or her to make friends with others who share the same faith. These friendships may be the deciding factor in enrolling your child in a Catholic school. Learning in church is far different than learning with others the same age.

  • Sing Praise

The upbeat songs learned at Vacation Bible School have the same premise as the hymns sung during Mass, but they are specifically designed to entice young singers to learn lessons and praise God.

  • A Generous Heart

A Christian learns to help others without asking for help in return. Lessons focus on stories of Jesus coming to the aid of many people – both believers and nonbelievers. Children are quick studies, and, if they watch adults helping within the parish or the community, they understand it is common to help and respond in kind without question. Set a good example by allowing your child to see how other authority figures help those in need.Vacation Bible School blesses children with a fantastic, faith-based experience they genuinely appreciate. Many children in the Catholic schools in Orlando wait in gleeful anticipation every year to see their friends at VBS. Good Shepherd Catholic School’s VBS is scheduled for June 12-17. Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4903 to determine the dates for VBS near you.Save


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