4 Tips for Seniors to Dominate Their Last Semester

graduation-995042_1280Senior year is anything but easy; between schoolwork and college admissions, you might face a lot of stress and nerves, especially when acceptance and rejection letters start rolling in. While we can’t rid the anxieties that come with college applications, we’ve compiled four pieces of great advice to help you start this last semester off on the right foot.Embrace Your IndependenceYour old routines will disappear when you enter the world of college and careers. You’ll likely enjoy some benefits from this, such as a more flexible study schedule, responsibility, and independence. Embrace this and start preparing now for a future with good habits, like keeping yourself accountable, setting your own goals, and following deadlines.Persevere Through the Application BurnoutBy the time the last semester rolls around, you grow tired of seeing application forms. It can be tough to write yet another personal essay. But don’t quit! The thousands of dollars you could earn in scholarship money will be well worth pushing through the monotony of essays and applications.Don’t Give in to SenioritisThere’s a good chance you’ve heard (and maybe been affected by) this senior-specific “illness.” Instead of denying its effects, acknowledge them and try to refrain from giving in. Remember that your last semester still matters – especially when it comes to your first-choice colleges. Don’t Stress About “Destiny”Some of your peers may know exactly what they want to do - they’ve always dreamt of one school, one major, and one career. You might feel anxious if you lack such a solid future plan, but don’t be! College is time to explore your interests and discover the possibilities and opportunities that are open to you. Each person has her own path, and it’s perfectly normal if you can’t see that path quite clearly yet. Keep these four things in mind as you head into your final semester of high school, and you’re sure to hit it out of the park as you step into this exciting season of your life. The Private schools in Orlando blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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