5 Ways to Make a Bad Morning More Positive

hands-2227857_1280Every parent faces the challenges of getting their children up and ready for school. Getting your children to follow your requests to brush their teeth, put on clean clothes, and get in the car in time for you to get them to school before the bell rings, it can be difficult and time consuming. On those particularly challenging days, here are some tips for keeping your cool and getting your morning realigned on the right track.Morning MovingStretching helps relax the mind and body and helps your child refocus on the task at hand – in this case, getting ready for school. If your morning is starting to spiral, have your child stop, and take three deep breaths while reaching for the sky. Have her touch her toes, jump up and down a couple of times, and wiggle out her body before continuing on with your morning to-dos.Mood MusicMusic can greatly influence your mood. Try having something calming playing over breakfast to keep your kids from getting too riled up. In the car on the way to school, play something positive and fun to help alleviate any stress and make everyone feel good.SmileUltimately, your mood is a choice. If you’re frustrated, try smiling to help ease your irritation and pass on the positive vibes to your child. If you can manage it, lighten your child’s mood with a laugh or by singing your request to him. And always try to maintain a calm voice.Let GoAvoid an argument over choices your child makes that won’t hurt anyone. Does she want to style her own hair today? Does he want to wear mismatched socks? If it won’t affect your child’s day negatively, honor your child’s choice. They’ll feel more empowered by making their own decision, and you’ll have one less fight on your hands.Give a HugWhen you’re feeling on the verge of snapping, try to switch gears and hug your child instead. This can help you take control over your mood and it encourages the development of a deeper emotional and physical connection between you and your child.Remember, not every morning will be perfect. There will be days where you feel as though your morning is chaos. But reminding yourself that there’s always tomorrow, and trying these strategies will help ensure that most mornings run smoothly.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Catholic schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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