6 Tips for Fitting Catholic School in the Family Budget

piggy-bank-968302_1280A public education definitely fits the family budget more easily, but the benefits of a Catholic education are remarkable. How can your family afford to enroll your child into an Orlando private school? Below are a few ideas on how to budget education into your financial plan to give your child every educational advantage.  

  • Plan Ahead

 Start putting aside money as soon as your child is born to fund his or her education. Two educational savings accounts – the Coverdell Savings Account and the 529 Savings Plan offer tax-free deposits, earnings, and withdrawals as long as the funds are for eligible expenses. Use either plan depending on your needs, or you can invest in both simultaneously if you prefer. 

  • Cut Back

 Think about this: is it more important to eat out three times a week or for your child to have a quality education? While foregoing your favorite restaurant will not pay the entire tuition, thinking in this manner will help you to understand the importance of education. You would be surprised how much money you can save by bringing in a sack lunch every day to work instead of eating out, watching movies at home rather than in a theater, and taking a trip to have fun with Grandma rather than going on a cruise. Small sacrifices can add up to big savings. 

  • Visit Several Schools

 Tuition varies from school to school. Look into the best fit for your child and ensure you will have the best education for your money. Keep in mind Catholic schools offer discounts for parishioners, and attending Mass regularly sends a signal to your child that religion is an important element in your lives. 

  • Financial Aid

 The Orlando private schools in the Diocese of Orlando all offer multiple forms of aid for families who qualify. Many of these needs-based aid programs pay for books and uniforms as well as tuition. Look online at the Catholic schools in your area to determine which forms of aid you may be eligible to receive, or call the school to speak with a financial aid specialist.  

  • Scholarships

 Students who score well on national tests, volunteer, or excel in another avenue on their campus may qualify for merit-based scholarships. 

  • Tuition Reductions

 Private schools frequently offer discounts for multiple family members, and Catholic schools are no exception. The discounted amount varies from school to school; contact the schools to ask about reduced tuition for multiple students.A Catholic education is not out of reach. Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4800 to inquire about our tuition rates and forms of aid. Your children will thrive in our Orlando private schools and the effort you put forth now will pay handsomely in the future when your child proves in both attitude and grades how valuable a Catholic education is. Read our blogs for more information on Catholic education and the role parents play in the education of their children.


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