7 Habits All Catholic Families Should Develop

family-selfieHow can you bring your family’s focus more toward God? The easiest method is through practice. However, it is also important to understand a few basic Catholic principles beforehand, that way, your family can begin practicing them. The Diocese of Orlando’s private schools in Orlando give our students the best education possible, by developing a shared Catholic relationship at home, your children will grow into caring students and citizens. The habits below will act as a strong foundation for your family to practice their Catholicism.

  1. Pray togetherIt’s important to pray before meals, in the morning, at bedtime, before special events, or at other spontaneous requests. All these prayers are pleasing to God and draw families closer together. It is difficult to be mad at someone when you pray with him.
  2. Invest in Catholic ArtA manger scene at Christmas time is nice, but hanging religious art around the house or having a special area dedicated to praying the rosary as a family is a visual reminder that you are Catholic. Garden angels and crosses are fantastic additions to remind you of God’s abundant gifts inside and outside the home.
  3. Attend MassIt only takes an hour every Sunday to visit God’s house. Set the stage beforehand by brushing teeth and hair, dressing appropriately, and passing out rosaries and prayer books. After Mass, discuss the homily and ask which reading meant the most to your children.
  4. Religious EducationAn in-depth study of the Lord’s word will help adults understand the Bible more thoroughly, and PRE classes for children explain many of the facets of Catholicism. If your child is preparing for his or her First Holy Communion or Confirmation, chances are, he or she will need to know a series of lessons and prayers beforehand. Practice together and attend the parent meetings as a family.
  5. VolunteerMany organizations welcome the help of children, as well as adults. Find a charity you can support as a family, and work together to make the lives of others better.
  6. Seek God’s WorksVisit a monastery, spend the night at a Catholic guest house, or stop at a religious site when you are on your way to another destination. Finding these little pockets of Catholic faith shows your children the true meaning of being Catholic, and reminds them that they are not alone in their faith.
  7. Research OnlineThe Internet abounds with fantastic Catholic websites that promote safe media resources you and your children can visit together.

Catholic families are sure to feel a stronger unity when they practice these habits together. Learn more about faith and the Diocese of Orlando’s Catholic schools by visiting our blog page, and call the Diocese at 407-246-4903 to tour one of our private schools in Orlando.


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