7 Skills Your Child Needs before Graduating

graduate-outsideIt seemed like only yesterday you were walking into your child’s first-grade classroom, but the 2017-2018 school year will be the last in their Catholic high school in Orlando. Before your child graduates, the Diocese of Orlando has a list of skills he/she will need in order to develop and successfully prepare for adulthood.Paying TaxesAs soon as your child procures his first job, it’s time to talk about taxes. The minimum wage is undercut by a massive amount of taxes and social security, leaving only a smattering of what he anticipated. When April rolls around, show your child how to pay taxes online, go to the library to pick up a 1040-EZ tax form, or have him visit a tax consultant if you hire one.RegisteringRegistering to vote, for the armed services, for insurance, and any other necessities are generally not even considered until after graduation. Cars and apartments come with insurance, and voting is essential for adults. Be sure your child registers at the post office, drivers’ license office, or online for selective services.Managing MoneyLiving at home and earning money is a great way for your adolescent to save. Show her how to budget as if she had a mortgage, car payment, and grocery bills, then determine how much is left for entertainment. After several months of budgeting, she may finally understand the importance of saving, budgeting, and managing money.TithingThe Catholic Church asks all of its parishioners to share the burden of caring for the church, its less fortunate, the clergy and nuns, as well as expenses related to teaching (PRE and RCIA classes, missions, Bible study, et cetera). If monetary donations are not possible, teach your child to donate his time.Food PrepSurprisingly, food does not either prepare itself or put itself away. Show your child how to make the basics – sandwiches, scrambled eggs, browning hamburger, boiling noodles – then show him how to clean the kitchen afterward (always important in Florida’s subtropical climate with its bevy of greedy insects). Then teach them how to store food in containers inside the refrigerator or in a cabinet, whichever is appropriate.Shopping for Large-Ticket ItemsBuying a car because it has flashy wheels is okay when it is a toy. As an adult, choose large-ticket items carefully and shop before you buy. The difference between the price of a used appliance or automobile is significant, and a one-year-old car or dealer’s program car could possibly have the same warranty for a much smaller amount of money.You may find that when you bring up this list, your child may have mastered many of the items on it without your knowledge. The Catholic high schools in Orlando work diligently to prepare your child for the rigors of a college education as well as adulthood. Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4903 for information on how they prepare seniors before they graduate, and read our blogs to learn about our educational philosophy.


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