Advisor Tips to Teach Parents of Freshmen

pexels-photo-267885The time has come. Your high school senior is beginning to choose her life path and embark on the journey of college. As a parent, you have aspirations for your child as she embarks on this next chapter, but the whole realm of college seems daunting. Here are some tips to give your children who are ready for the next step in growing up.The Ties that BindAs your child matures, you undoubtedly noted her ability to study alone, make friends, and form opinions based on facts rather than impulses. Your safety net was her high school, which helped form her throughout her growing years.While her objectives may differ from yours, let her choose her own major and make decisions on transportation and housing. Offer advice and guidance, but remember – the best way to learn from your mistakes is to make the mistakes. Your child may not study for an exam, forget where she parked on campus, or pay her rent a few days late. Offer support. Offer advice. Do not always solve the problem!Advice for ExpertsSometimes your child may not follow your sage advice simply because he believes you are home, he is at school, and his ideas better fit the situation. Let it go, and, above all, don’t give them an “I told you so” speech if their idea fails. Autonomy takes time, and the simple act of asking your advice may help to bring you peace. When you have a string of good ideas he did not use, he will start listening. Pay Attention to Your InstinctsIf your child calls and sounds weepy, but denies anything is wrong, react as a parent. Listen to her voice instead of her words and work out the message between the lines. You may need to seek advice or input from a counselor or roommate to learn the entire problem. If it is a major issue concerning your child’s safety and well-being, move mountains to be there. If it is a minor issue, offer an ear and a shoulder, then let her sort through the difficulty.Failure is Not the EndYour child’s dreams of being a veterinarian are shattered with the results of his first anatomy lab. He calls upset because his entire course load revolved around that degree field. Fortunately, college is a safe place to find your footing. With two years dedicated to associate-level courses, almost every class he takes will transfer to another degree. Be positive and think of solutions as a team, so he can continue to advance toward an independent life.The tears and cheers for your child’s graduation from her Catholic high school will soon be behind you. With her solid education and good upbringing, most mistakes will be easily addressed and will slowly evolve into wisdom. The Orlando Catholic high school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Catholic high schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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