Helping Your Child Conquer Procrastination

Get your child out of the habit of saying “later” or “tomorrow.” Teaching her to defeat procrastination at this stage in her life will help prepare her for the future. The best private schools in Orlando has just a few steps to help your child stop delaying and complete her work and chores in a timely manner.

Ask Questions
Communication is key, and talking to your child is extremely important for her development. Despite your frustrations, it’s best to understand your child’s behavior. Ask questions like what she thinks you expect from her or what will happen if she doesn’t meet her own standard. Your child is properly interpreting her situation in a specific way, and you’ll need to help break her out of bad patterns.

Clarify Expectations
Develop appropriate parental responses by clarifying your expectations. Your child is probably overestimating what you expect from her. Be clear and realistic about what your standards are for her performance. This way she isn’t confused, and you’ll both be on the same page. Set achievable expectations and goals, such as time management for homework and chores.

Teach Problem-Solving
Problem-solving skills should be practiced at all times. For example, give your child this scenario: I didn’t do well on my exam, so my grade will go down. A lower grade means no sports this year or afternoon playtime, which means no friends and isolation. This is an irrational and unlikely thought, but it’s probably what’s going on through your child’s brain — the fear of failure that spirals into worst-case scenarios. Coach your child to calm her anxieties by teaching problem-solving techniques. Break up tasks into small, manageable, and attainable goals. She should feel less overwhelmed when she knows how to solve a problem.

For more than 50 years, the best private schools in Orlando have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.


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