Engaging in Spirituality Throughout the Summer

prayer-2403323_1920Your child has been looking forward to a stress-free summer vacation since Christmas break ended. Although the time between school years spent at a Catholic high school in Orlando may not include as much stress as the school year, it can certainly be full of activities that promote the spiritual foundation of the Catholic Church. While some of the following ideas can easily be incorporated into your child’s daily routine, others may rely on assistance or guidance from the Diocese of Orlando.Go OutsideGod has provided us with a magnificent and bountiful Earth. Put down your smartphone and look around at the forests, parks, water, and other natural wonders. Visit a state park as a family, and walk a nature trail, or go to the beach early in the morning before it becomes crowded. The overwhelming feeling of beauty can be breathtaking if you take the time to notice it.GardenThe supermarket provides packaged foods that literally take hundreds of hours to grow before they are processed. Skip the middle-man, and grow vegetables and fruits in a family garden. If you have no yard for a garden, buy large planters and grow potatoes or a tomato plant. If your child finds the harvest is too abundant for your family, share with friends; everyone enjoys fresh produce! Many communities have a communal garden for residents to plant and share their harvests, saving an amount for those less fortunate. You can also have your child bring excess produce to church to give away after Mass.VolunteerVolunteering is an integral part of a Catholic education. When the school year ends, keep the same schedule with the volunteer organizations during the summer. They will greatly appreciate the assistance, and your child will reap the benefits of stewardship. Vacation Bible School in the Diocese of Orlando is always looking for hands to help decorate, set up classes, teach, lead activities, and clean up. You can volunteer for an hour, a day, or the entire week.Mission TripsMany parishes have planned mission trips during the summer to give the youth an engaging spiritual activity that focuses on communities with the greatest need for aid. Check with the Diocese of Orlando to learn if and when mission trips are available for your child. If the mission trip is abroad, be sure to have a passport ready for all travelers.Just because summer is less scheduled does not mean your family has to slip out of the habit of spirituality. With opportunities abounding throughout the summer, your family can fully participate in stewardship activities that help others locally or worldwide. Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4903 to learn about the summer events your Catholic high school in Orlando student can participate in.


6 Community-Based Summer Activities


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