What is Your Student’s Learning Style?

There are three main ways we absorb and process information: listening, seeing, or touching. While most people can learn from all of these, each person tends to lean toward one style, and your student is no different. Look below to learn how to identify how your child’s style, what it means, and how you can use that knowledge to boost his success in the classroom.Kinesthetic LearningKinesthetic learning, or tactile learning, is a learning style in which learning takes place by carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations. If you think your child may be a kinesthetic learner, look for these signs:

  • Aptitude in sports, dance, art, or other hands-on activities.
  • Tendency to fidget.
  • Frequent use of gestures when speaking.
  • Enjoys writing and drawing.
  • Early physical development, like crawling or walking.
  • Sharp hand-eye coordination.

Homework helpers:

  • Do homework standing, pacing, or sitting on an exercise ball.
  • Use a learning aid, such as blocks, that will let her build and work with her hands.
  • Take 15-minute activity breaks.
  • Have him trace his fingers under words as he reads.

Auditory LearningAuditory learning is a learning style in which a person learns through listening. An auditory learner depends on hearing and speaking as a main way of learning. They also use their listening and repeating skills to sort through the information that is sent to them. Is your child an auditory learner? Look for these signs:

  • Aptitude in music, instruments, or vocal ability.
  • Tendency to sing along to songs or create his own.
  • Strong verbal abilities.
  • Good listener.
  • Good at following oral directions.

Homework helpers:

  • Have your child create a song about what she’s learning.
  • Write a short story about the history that he’ll be tested on.
  • Make up a word problem to pair with an equation.

Visual LearningVisual learners read and use images, pictures, color and other visual media to help process and communicate information. They remember things by sight. If you think your child may be a visual learner, look for:

  • A vivid imagination.
  • An interest in art – painting, drawing, or crafts.
  • A strong memory that relays visually-observed information.
  • A good sense of direction and an understanding of maps.
  • Aptitude for reading and a love of books.
  • Recognition of people, faces, and places.

Homework helpers:

  • Have her color code her notes.
  • Doodle a sketch next to notes that will help him remember the information.
  • Help him visualize math problems with tangible objects.

It is likely that your child shows aptitude and interest in all styles. However, you’ll often find that one style more accurately describes your child than others. Knowing this will make it easier for him or her to process information and build on his or her strengths for the future.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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