Get Involved in Your Parish

Getting involved in your parish can feel intimidating, especially if you’re surrounded by new faces. The thought of introducing yourself to crowds of people, committing to different events, and attending a new small group can be stressful. But you don’t need to start big! Start by simply showing up. When you get to the point where you’re hoping to take the next step and get involved, we have some suggestions.Set Up and Tear Down: There’s always a need for a behind-the-scenes person who doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty! Offer to set up or tear down for big events, wash dishes, move furniture, and decorate.A/V Ministry: Even if you have minimal experience with audio and video, you can still be a big help in the sound booth every weekend! You can learn how to work with the projector or set up colorful lights to go with the music.The Nursery: Volunteer to help take care of the babies and toddlers during Mass. Their parents will really appreciate the opportunity to sit through service together, knowing that their child is in good hands.Missions: Talk to the missionaries at your church and ask how you can help support them through prayer or fundraising. If your church is actively involved in serving the community, step in to help. Whether you stick to prayer and fundraising or you go on an international mission trip, you will be doing your part.  Small Groups: Consider joining (or even leading) a small group. It’s a great way to grow in your faith while becoming friends with the people you sit beside at church every weekend.Cooking: Does your church have a weekly Wednesday night ministry that serves dinner or college small groups full of hungry students? Offer to help supply dinner one week.The Mail Ministry: If you have great handwriting, you can put your skills to use by writing birthday cards and get well soon cards. Hospitality: Between welcoming people at the door, setting out coffee and donuts, or packaging welcome gifts for first-time visitors, the hospitality committee can always use more hands. Talk to your church’s hospitality head to find out what they need!Weekly Bulletins: If your church has a weekly program or bulletin they pass out, there’s a chance that the person in charge would love your help. Offer to proofread or create an insert.Don’t get overwhelmed! Every church has unique ministries and needs, and they won’t all be a perfect fit. You don’t have to try every small group or go to every choir rehearsal or cook dinner for six weeks in a row — just find what speaks to you.For more than 50 years, the best private schools in Orlando have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today. 


Teacher Spotlight: Joanna Welch


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