Give Back this Spring Break
Volunteer opportunities are endless for your child enrolled in Catholic high schools in Orlando not only during spring break, but throughout the year. While your teenager is away from school, find a few organizations in the Diocese of Orlando that would appreciate a helping hand during the Lenten season leading up to Easter.
- Visiting the elderly is always a fantastic opportunity to bridge the communication gap between generations, especially when technology is at the heart of their conversation. Many residents in nursing homes would love to be able to keep in touch with their family members via the Internet but are not able to even use email. Many of these folks have great typing skills but never applied their expertise beyond a typewriter. Pairing a teenager with an elderly typist could open doors to a whole new world of correspondence and learning.
- The Agape Food Bank in Lakeland needs volunteers to sort, pack, stock, and distribute food for the agencies that serve those in need of food. Students can work any time Monday through Friday from 7:30am–4:30pm.
- The Semoran Food Pantry would love your teenager to gather food bags, greet guests, restock the front counter, and organize the reception area to assist the food pantry in helping feed the hungry. Hours are 9:00am–4:30pm Monday through Friday.
- For office experience, the Emergency Family Services office is looking for clerical and administrative volunteers to assist in data entry, filing, copying, and other functions associated with office duties. Hours are Monday through Friday from 10am-2pm.
- Animal shelters are in constant need of volunteers to provide water, companionship, and dog walking for their canine friends. Cats can also use extra care with companionship and play/exercise. Contact your local animal shelter for details on how and when your child can help.
Students attending Catholic high schools in Orlando have dozens of opportunities to help others in need. Volunteering gives a feeling of fulfillment, and knowing you make a difference will stimulate further efforts to help others. Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-456-7090 for more volunteer opportunities for your teenager and everyone else in your family. Make this spring break memorable by giving back to your parish and community.