How to Make the Most of Parent-Teacher Conferences

teacher-1280966_1280The new school year is beginning and your child has brought home information on the first parent-teacher conference. The Diocese of Orlando has several ideas to help you make the most of your time as you meet your child’s teacher for the first time. Review BeforehandKnow how your child is performing academically by looking at online records available via the parent portal at any of our Catholic schools in Orlando. This will allow you to note any missing assignments, trends, absences or tardies, and grades. Look at this information before the conference, and allow your child to view with you. If questions arise, ask for explanations so you can form an opinion knowing both the student’s and the teacher’s perspective. Bring a List of QuestionsYou can prepare beforehand with a mental list of questions, but the first one will undoubtedly spur another set of questions and comments until suddenly time has passed and the conference is over. Instead, write out each question and leave space for an answer since you will forget many of the comments shared by your child’s teacher. Questions you might wish to address may include

  • How can I help my child at home?
  • How does my child interact with other students at school?
  • How is my child performing in his core classes?
  • Does my child require any support for his core classes?
  • How does my child behave in class?
  • Is my child putting forth his best effort?

Be Positive Your child may have a completely different attitude at home than at school. If your child’s teacher comments on negative behavior, do not immediately act offended or make excuses. Instead, listen to the story – or stories – and see if the information fits any patterns you may have overlooked at home. Remember, your child’s teacher is his advocate and wants the very best for him. Work with his teacher to solve any problems.Open CommunicationGive your child’s teacher any new phone numbers and email addresses, and reinforce the idea that communication is key to your child’s education. A three-way communication between administration, teachers, and parents will keep all parties on the same page and strengthen the goal of educating your child to the best of his abilities. Sign up for all text messaging services, read all class emails, visit the school’s web page frequently, and listen to all school messages to ensure you are aware of events within the school as well as the classroom. Use the parent-teacher conference as a bridge between school and home. When one becomes an extension of the other, learning is reinforced and the stability will help with many behavior and academic issues. Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4800 for a list of dates for the parent-teacher conferences this fall. Read our past blogs for information on how you can work with your child’s Catholic school in Orlando to benefit your child’s learning.


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