How Music Boosts Your Child’s Brain

Listening to music is not just an entertaining pastime; researchers have found that a bit of melody can have psychological benefits for your child. A source of pleasure, music influences feelings, behaviors, and thoughts and can even fight off sadness. That’s why when your child watches his favorite cartoon, he starts to dance around to the upbeat music! The psychological effects can have a lasting and powerful impact on your child’s growth and health. 

Reduces Stress
Stress has no bias — even your child experiences stress! Between schoolwork, homework, and after-school activities, your child needs to engage in therapeutic methods that will help him cope with his stress. Play meditative music to soothe his mind and induce relaxation. 

Improves Memory
Your child’s brain is all over the place. Keep it calm and improve his memory with the repetitive rhythm and melody that music offers. We encourage students to listen to music while they study. However, if you find your child is getting distracted, then maybe it’s not the method for him!

Mellows Moods
Studies have shown that the health benefits of listening to music include improving mood and regulating emotion. If your child is having a bad day or throwing a temper tantrum, play some fun songs to uplift him!

Improves Cognitive Performance
Because listening to music assists with memory loss, it improves cognitive performance. In fact, music therapy tools are used for elderly patients with Alzheimer’s and can help them recall lost memories. Children on the autistic spectrum can show major improvement in social atmospheres and with communication and attention skills. Your child will be able to maintain mental ability simply through playing tunes! To boost his mental performance, play songs in the background while your child is focused on other activities, like homework or cleaning.

Sleeps Better 
Does your child struggle with sleeping? Insomnia affects people of all ages. Classical music and audiobooks can be an effective method for your child to get those Z’s. 

Increases Motivation
Your child may prefer to hop on the couch and watch TV after school. He had a long day at school and very little energy now. Boost his motivation by letting him outside to play while playing background music, like high-tempo tunes or fast-paced songs. Let him run around and be active, even for just 30 minutes. 

Manages Pain
If your child struggles from pain, he can feel satisfied by listening to music. Patients with conditions like fibromyalgia find that music reduces their pain. 

For more than 50 years, the best schools in Orlando have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.


Teach Your Child to Have Confidence in Himself


Message from Henry Fortier, Superintendent of Catholic Schools on School Closures, March 13, 2020