Teaching Your Child How to Do His Own Laundry


Your child is at the age when it’s time for him to do laundry. It doesn’t have to be a scary thought or a problematic process. Make him confident and in charge of cleaning his own clothes. For a smooth process, use these tips from the best private schools in Orlando

Make It Child-Friendly
It doesn’t matter how old your child is; he can help with the laundry! Even as young as a toddler, you can provide him with toy clothes to teach him how to wash, fold, and put them away. When he learns colors, have him sort the items by color. By elementary school, he can do a load of laundry on his own. Keep the cleaning products in reach, along with a stepstool to easily reach the washer and dryer buttons. 


Sorting Bins
To make the process more effective, purchase sorting bins. Have him collect clothing in his hamper throughout the week. Find a good location for it, either in his closet or in his bathroom. When it’s time to sort, he can easily access the bins. He will organize them into three piles or loads: jeans, darks, and whites. When going through the clothes, let him know he is checking the clothing for stains and spots that need to be treated for a wash. Also, he will check the pockets for anything that has been left in there.

Routine Teaches Responsibility
Teach your child responsibility with a strict routine. When you show him how to do laundry in the beginning, be sure to stay by his side until he’s comfortable. Show him how much detergent to use, how to start the machine, how to transfer from the washer to the dryer, fold or hang the clothes, and put them away. Give your child a day of the week that he can be in charge of laundry, from start to finish. On the other days, simply have him help you with the load. So no matter what day of the week or who is in charge, your child still has a part in it.


Make It Fun
Make laundry a fun chore! Whenever he rolls socks, let him throw it in the basket like a ball. By having him coordinate by color, it’s a fun activity for learning hues. When he spots a stain, allow him a piece of his favorite treat. Once he gets his load washed and put away, he can watch TV or play outside!

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