Understanding Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is an occasion that celebrates Jesus Christ entering Jerusalem. This occurs the week before his death and resurrection. In the Catholic Church, Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week. This week runs from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday is imbued with revelations and foreshadowing, giving us the joy of the crowds greeting Jesus on the road to Jerusalem as well as the sorrow Jesus feels when he announces he will soon die. The Diocese of Orlando would like to share and explain some of the mysteries of Palm Sunday to its Orlando Catholic school students and their families.Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the back of a lowly donkey, signifying his humility. His disciples carefully placed their cloaks upon the donkey’s back to give Jesus a more comfortable ride. As he rode into the city, crowds happily waved palm branches at him and covered the dusty road with the branches. The palm branches were used because they are the symbol of goodness and victory. The entire city of Jerusalem was soon overcome, and people threw their cloaks in Jesus’ path as an act of homage – a traditional practice for people of great standing.On Palm Sunday, the congregation gathers outside the church doors in good weather or in an adjacent building if the weather is harsh. The readings during the Procession with Palms are lighthearted and praise Jesus: “Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” The townspeople enthusiastically accept Jesus into their town. Palms are passed out to parishioners who often shape them into crosses. The congregation excitedly enters the church in high spirits, but the readings inside the church take a somber turn.In the first reading, Jesus is talking with his disciples, explaining how he has lived an honest life and he shall not be shamed. The responsorial Psalm has Jesus lamenting, “My God, my God, why have You abandoned me?” Jesus further is described as humbling Himself as man and living a pure life, being obedient to the point of death. The Gospel explains Jesus’ betrayal at The Last Supper where he introduces the Eucharist to his disciples. His imprisonment and crucifixion are explained, and we exit Mass with Jesus in the tomb with the boulder blocking the entrance.From ebullience to solemnity in one Mass, Palm Sunday is a roller coaster of emotions. Students in Orlando Catholic schools will attend special Masses throughout Holy Week after Palm Sunday. Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4903 for Mass times on Palm Sunday and throughout Holy Week. Our blog page contains articles pertaining to Holy Week and Easter for you to learn more about your Catholic faith.


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