Volunteering is the Greatest Extracurricular

bay hill 6Jesus told his followers, “Whatever you do for the least of my people, you do for me.” He also explained the importance of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and sheltering the homeless in what is now known as the Corporal Works of Mercy.Volunteering is a conscientious effort to serve others. The best private schools in Orlando understand the importance of serving others through volunteer efforts and encourages their school communities to give of themselves frequently. Several of the schools in the Diocese of Orlando are celebrating their volunteers with special plans during May, and volunteering is something we encourage all of our students, parents, and faculty to do.Volunteering can begin when a child is old enough to understand sharing and empathy, and the benefits gained from sharing will help even the youngest volunteer recognize God’s glory.

  • Make a Difference: Whether your child donates outgrown clothes, works in a soup kitchen, or raises money to feed children overseas, the satisfaction that comes from giving to those in need stimulates young volunteers to help more frequently. This feeling is even more acute when those who are helped respond with a kind word, a card of gratitude, or a hug.
  • Solve Problems: Several grassroots organizations raising awareness and money for those less fortunate were stimulated or even started by children with great ideas. Children bring a fresh viewpoint that does not take into consideration many of the fallacies adults seem to recognize. Without the roadblocks, children are often able to solve a problem with the most clear-cut approach. This critical thinking segues into the classroom, helping students find new methods to solve problems.
  • Connect with Others: When volunteering is an individual gesture, such as playing cards with a homebound parishioner or bringing soup to an ill neighbor, the child makes a positive connection with the person being helped.
  • To Your Health: It has been proven in numerous studies that volunteers have lower mortality rates, are less depressed, and are healthier overall than those who do not volunteer. The body’s endorphins – the “feel good” hormones – are stimulated when we are praised, and volunteering opens the door to praise. This positive reaction boosts the immune system, making volunteers healthier now and well into their geriatric years.

Volunteering is a positive activity for you and your child to participate in after school. Schedule a specific time every week or month with organizations that need assistance, or ask your local parish for a list of homebound Diocese of Orlando parishioners who need companionship. The best private schools in Orlando emphasize the importance of volunteering. Read our blogs or contact the Diocese at 407-246-4903 for information on Catholic charities you can assist.


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