What’s Your Parenting Style?

pexels-photo-532389Most parents pick up parenting tips from friends, their parents and grandparents, books they read, and other sources. As they build their style of parenting, they generally find that their methods fit into one of four broad categories: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, or attachment. AuthoritativeThis style is where parents set boundaries with the intent for their children not cross those limits. Clear rules are expected to be followed, but if a child has a legitimate reason for breaking those rules, authoritative parents will take that reasoning into consideration. However, these parents will discipline children if their transgression is serious. Open communication between parents and children is often a common trait. AuthoritarianThis parenting style is similar to a dictatorship. Rules and expectations must be met without exceptions. Parents do not negotiate with their children and often reject any excuse for a transgressionPermissiveThese parents are the polar opposite of authoritarian parents. Their style of parenting is affectionate and nurturing, and their goal is to raise happy children. To that end, these parents are indulgent and give in to most demands from their children.The boundaries they set are few and often fluctuate. If it was once a boundary, the permissive parents would simply move the boundary to incorporate the infarction.AttachmentParents that exhibit this style have a goal to create a secure child/parent bond that is more similar to a friendship than a familial bond. These parents believe their style of parenting will build a trusting, confident child. Limits are set in a nurturing manner, and if they are disobeyed, the punishment will not be physical. You may find you fit quite perfectly into one or more of these categories and are pleased with how your children are growing. You may also find your parenting style is completely different than the approach used by the parents of your child’s best friend, and the two may completely contradict one another. Although different, no parenting style is right or wrong. At the end of the day, it comes down to the relationship you want to create with your child and your family.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Catholic schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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