Coronavirus Advisory

August 9, 2021


March 15, 2021


September 11, 2020


July 20, 2020


April 18, 2020

From Henry Fortier, Secretary for Education and Superintendent of Catholic Schools:

To our students and families,

This afternoon, Governor DeSantis announced that schools will remain closed for the remainder of this academic year. As has been our intent since our first parent announcement on Feb. 28, Diocese of Orlando Catholic Schools will follow the same directive, keeping all facilities closed and continuing with distance learning. Although this is not the optimal situation, our teachers have been doing a phenomenal job in providing a rigorous, interactive digital learning environment for our students and will continue to do so for the rest of the school year.

We are also aware that you look forward to many end of the school year events -- graduation, prom, awards ceremonies, etc. Currently, we are discussing a variety of safe options to celebrate your child’s successes and milestones. Your principal will inform you on how your school will recognize these events at a later date.

May God bless you and keep you safe during these uncertain times.

In peace,
Henry Fortier

March 31, 2020

From Superintendent Henry Fortier: 

The Diocese of Orlando Catholic Schools continues to follow guidelines set by Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Department of Education and are closing all campuses until May 1. eLearning will continue in our schools.  

• All schools moved their spring and Easter breaks to the time frame of March 13-27th, so teachers are expected to teach all of Holy Week with the exception of Good Friday. No instruction on Good Friday, but instruction will resume on Monday, April 13th. We have instructional days that we need to recoup in order to cover the necessary material before the end of the school year and finish on the date set in your school calendars.  

March 26, 2020

March 18, 2020

Diocese of Orlando Catholic Schools are following guidelines set by Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Department of Education and are closing all campuses until April 15. Distance learning begins on March 30. Local principals will work with parents.  

March 13, 2020

Message from Henry Fortier, Superintendent of Catholic Schools on School Closures, March 13, 2020

Truly May the Peace of Christ be with you!

Late this afternoon, Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Education, extended the Public Schools’ Spring Break until March 29, 2020. reopening on March 30, 2020.  Our Catholic schools will follow the same directives, so schools will close through March 29, 2020, reopening on Monday, March 30, 2020.   

What does that mean for us? 

·         All Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Orlando will take a two-week break with no instruction from March 14 – March 29;

·         Those Catholic Schools whose Spring Break fell at a different time will move their Spring Break to March 14 – March 29. 

Parents/guardians will receive further information from their principals.  We will continue to monitor the situation as we have planned for virtual learning.  We place our work into God’s hands.  Throughout Scripture and in the readings of the saints we discover time after time how God is present and active in our lives during times of trial.  God is with us!  Let us pray for all those who are working to keep us safe, for those who are ill, for those who died, and for the scientists that they may find a way to prevent further illness.