3 of the Best Ways to Celebrate Your Vocation this CSW

lone-tree-1934897_1280Your student’s Catholic school focuses on faith, knowledge, and service to prepare your student to use her talents to the best of her ability. Catholic Schools Week 2018 is a fantastic time for you to help her further explore opportunities that come from serving God and the community. Here are three ways to celebrate while exploring possible vocations. 

  • Create Service Opportunities

 Organize a service project that supports the work of missions or organizations that fund small enterprise development.  

  • Host a “Vocation” Talk

 Lead a discussion group on the subject of exploring the word “vocation,” and how your student and their peers can incorporate the value of the term into their everyday lives. 

  • Create a Career Day

 Help coordinate a “career day” where local professionals – both in religious and non-religious occupations – can come, share a little about their day-to-day work, and how their faith guides them through their lives and careers.Catholic Schools Week is all about celebrating the unique and excellent educational opportunities Catholic schools provide, but it’s also about how learning and faith formation intersect within your student’s life. Help spark their vocational exploration with these three great ideas and see the inspiration for using their God-given talents bloom.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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