5 Tips for Finding College Scholarships

school-2276269_1280Every year college becomes a bigger financial investment for families, and they face the same question, “How am I going to pay for this?” Most students seek out various forms of financial assistance, such as scholarships; however, winning a scholarship is oftentimes as competitive as college admissions. Here are some tips to identify and apply for scholarships that match your student’s interests and qualifications.Fill Out the FAFSAMost scholarships require you to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. This form also helps you discover whether you qualify for other forms of financial aid, like subsidized or unsubsidized loans and Pell grants. You can begin to fill out a FAFSA application on October 1st of the year prior to needing financial aid, and many scholarships prioritize students who complete their FAFSA by their university’s application deadline.Consult Your CounselorHigh school counselors receive college and scholarship provider information and applications each year, and many schools offer major-specific awards that can be applied for in the school’s financial aid office. Your student’s high school counselor will likely be able to assist her in this and answer any questions.Search for Scholarships in That Match Your InterestMany job fields have scholarships to encourage interest through related clubs, organizations, and small businesses; for example, the America’s Farmers Grow Ag Leaders program sponsored by the Monsanto Fund and FFA is great for students looking to study agriculture. Search for groups related to your student’s interests, or check your student’s university of choice for scholarships her field of study provides.Don’t Judge a Scholarship By Its DollarWhen it comes to paying for your child’s schooling, every little bit helps, even smaller, one-time awards. Often, smaller scholarships have fewer additional requirements outside of traditional application materials, and there’s sometimes a smaller application pool, meaning less competition.Check Out Dedicated Search EnginesWhile a quick Google search is sure to reveal plenty of options, there are dedicated sites designed specifically to help students discover scholarship opportunities catered to them. Some of these include scholarships.com, Fastweb, and Scholarship America, all of which provide information on local, regional, and national scholarship opportunities.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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