5 Study Tips for the New School Year

margaret-mary-robotics-4New clothes, new backpack, new supplies, and a new attitude for the school year – the perfect combination to begin this year at your Catholic school in Orlando. Studying last year was not as productive as your child had wished; how can study habits be improved? Read below for information from the Catholic Diocese of Orlando on study tips to improve time management and grades.

  • Prepare for class both physically and mentally: A fully charged iPad  or sharpened pencils and clean paper, along with a good attitude will greatly improve how much information can be gathered in class. Taking notes, , and asking questions will lead to a better understanding of the material.
  • Create a study plan you can follow: Studying two hours a night for a class you do not like is non-productive. Instead, break studying into smaller increments interspersed with some sort of physical activity, even something as simple as walking around the room. The flow of ideas generated by a flow of energy will jump start studying and provide a better understanding in less time. Dedicate one area of your home as a study area, and try to make it out of the normal flow of traffic to keep interruptions to a minimum.
  • Study groups: Research has proven one of the best methods of learning information is by teaching someone else. Study groups force students to explain concepts to others and reinforces their own understanding. Even better, students are more accountable for their study habits if they have others relying on them. Also, students who are too intimidated to ask questions in class will more easily query their study group than their teacher.
  • Understand your child’s motivation: Some parents do not allow their children to participate in sports or extracurricular activities unless their grades are up to par. While this is enough to stimulate studying in many students, others may need another form of motivation to help them jump the studying hurdle.
  • Know when papers and projects are due: Turn your work in on time. Ensure the dates for important graded work are written on a calendar and in a planner. Key exam and project dates are often placed on school websites to keep parents and students informed.

Organization and time management are both extremely important in giving your child the study habits she or he needs to be successful in school.For more information on Catholic education in the Diocese of Orlando, visit the Diocese of Orlando Catholic Schools website or call 407-246-4900.Save


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