Holy Family School Celebrates 20th Anniversary

20th-hfcs-anniversary-press-release-pic-3A little hurricane passing through the state did not dampen the festive mood of the Holy Family Catholic School in Orlando community, as it celebrated the 20th anniversary on Sept. 1. Thankfully, the weather held off, allowing for a full day of celebrations at our Orlando Catholic School.

The day began with an event reminiscent a decade ago, when 700 students gathered on the field to form the number “20.” However, instead of a local news helicopter of 2006 capturing the image of the entire student body forming the number “10,” a camera-equipped drone hovered overhead to snap this generation of students’ commemoration.

Later that evening, nearly 1,000 people gathered for a Family Fun Night, which was filled with food, fun, and fellowship. The event was made even more memorable by a blessing from Father John Giel, pastor, and a special recognition honoring the school’s founders, Monsignor William Ennis and Sister Dorothy Sayers.

“It was an amazing day and evening full of tradition and triumph,” said Sister Dorothy, principal. “Witnessing the entire student body forming the number ‘20’ on our field brought back wonderful memories, as it seemed like yesterday a different generation of students were forming the number ’10.’ I enjoyed celebrating with current families and alumni, but the real gift is our parents’ trust in our school’s mission to guide their children in Faith, Knowledge & Love.”

Tana Little, Director of Marketing and Promotion at Holy Family Catholic School, contributed to this article.

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