Consider Fall Sports This School Year

bmcfootballBasketball, bowling, cross country, football, dance, golf, track,  , soccer, swimming, , volleyball, and cheerleading  are offered at Orlando Catholic schools this fall. Some schools have tryouts at the beginning of the school year or during the summer, and parents must consider the sports in which their children will participate and ensure the school physicals are up-to-date. The Catholic Diocese of Orlando has many school sports teams for your children as well as information on the importance of athletics in school.School sports are generally categorized into individual and team sports. The individual sports, though, usually provide points toward an overall team score. Individual sports include such sports as swimming and cross country, which require one athlete to compete against time or another athlete. Team sports include basketball and football with all athletes competing simultaneously against an opposing team.While many parents understand that sports keep the body healthy, many do not realize the importance sports play on academics. Many studies have proven that competing in sports teaches focus, discipline, and reflex thinking – three advantages that spill into the academic structure of the classroom. The other factor sports play is the drive students have to excel in their studies since grades have to be at a specific GPA and remain on the team.Participating in any cardiovascular activity increases the amount of endorphins in the body. Endorphins are the “feel good” hormones that make athletes feel energized and upbeat. Athletes are less prone to use tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs because their self-confidence increases with sports, and they understand that these chemicals will harm their performance.Unfortunately, with the many positive virtues for sports in school, many parents and children choose not to try out for team sports because parents believe academic pressure is more than enough strain on their children without burdening them with athletics.Whether the sport your child wishes to join is school-related or a city league, encourage him or her to participate. You may find the anticipation, satisfaction, and activity will improve attitude, grades, and sleep habits.For more information on Catholic education in the Diocese of Orlando, visit the Diocese of Orlando Catholic Schools website, or call 407-246-4900.


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