The Advantage of Small Class Size for Your Child’s Education

apple-256263_1920When looking for a school for their child, most parents seek a school with smaller class sizes – a place where their child can receive more individualized attention. In the Diocese of Orlando, at the best private schools in Orlando, smaller class sizes are the norm because when the teacher/student ratio is smaller, students thrive.Take, for example, the student’s grasp of classroom materials. In smaller classrooms, it is much easier for teachers to recognize personal learning struggles and accomplishments. If a student is struggling with a lesson, the teacher can offer extra help. At the same token, if a student is excelling in a lesson, the teacher can offer extra challenges to deepen they student’s understanding even more.A smaller class size allows teachers them to individualize lesson plans for students.Teachers of smaller classes exhibit better classroom management because they have fewer variables to consider. Students feel they are more valued when their relationship with their teacher is solid. This, in turn, leads to fewer disciplinary problems because a good relationship generally means more respect for the teacher. When teachers are respected, students tend to please their teacher and ask for positive attention rather than negative attention.With fewer interruptions, daily instruction is lengthened. Visits to the water fountain, bathroom breaks, trips to lockers for forgotten homework, pencils to be sharpened, and paper to share. deter from the task at hand. In smaller classrooms, those needs are met more quickly and learning fills most of the class period.In addition, noise levels are also minimized. In a larger classroom, multiple students shuffling papers, sniffing, scuffing shoes, coughing and sneezing, opening and closing books, and the scratch of pencil on paper can cause discord. The same sounds emanating from fewer students is not nearly as intense, and less noise means fewer disruptions of students who often complain about noise as they try to listen or work. It also means the teacher can speak more softly instead of being perceived as yelling at his or her students just to overcome the noise level.Enormous benefits emanate from a classroom with a small class size. The best private schools in Orlando recognize the importance of class size and strive to keep the student to teacher ratio lower. To learn more about how a Catholic education will help your child reach his or her goals, contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4903 and peruse our blogs to learn about our schools and educational philosophy.


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