Attending Mass This Summer Prepares Your Child for School in the Fall

church-2138126_1920Most parents work during the summer, just like during the remainder of the year, and carving out chunks of time to drive their children from one activity to another to keep them stimulated during the summer can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, you have a built-in activity that requires no extra time, effort, or money to help your children prepare for the upcoming school year: church. By celebrating Mass at a Diocese of Orlando church, your child learns many beneficial lessons that easily segue into the classroom of a public or Catholic school in Orlando.Sitting QuietlyWhen your child is surrounded by still adults, chances are much better he or she will follow suit. If possible, skip the cry room and sit in the back until your child can sit quietly throughout most of Mass. Reward your child with a choice of breakfasts every time Mass is completed without a reprimand, and move toward the front of the church as the weeks progress until you are in your preferred pew.Following PromptsCatholics sit, stand, kneel, walk, pray, and intone at specific times during Mass. Many children’s books illustrate the steps of Mass and give reasons Catholics perform these steps. Practice at home so your child knows what will happen, and prompt with a gentle tap on the shoulder to signal a change in posture from kneeling to standing or sitting to kneeling.MusicMusic is a gift for everyone. Many churches celebrate with a contemporary Mass at one time during the day and a traditional Mass at another time. These Masses use a variety of instruments; attend a different Mass and compare the songs from one Mass to the other with your child. You might be surprised how much your child understands about music or instruments if he or she attends a Catholic school in Orlando!MemorizationMass has the same basic pattern every Sunday. Children can learn the Our Father while they are young, and work through the rosary and Nicene Creed as they grow in confidence. Memorizing and intoning these prayers not only brings them closer to God; it helps them focus their thoughts, think in a logical sequence, and speak in public – all beneficial school skills.CommunitySometimes, your child may feel excluded from activities. In church, your child is surrounded by others with the same moral values and religious convictions he or she has. The idea of being a part of something much larger generates a calm feeling of happiness. Catholic schools in Orlando focus on the community aspect of learning, which means Mass follows through this idea during the summer months.Help your child succeed in public or their Catholic school in Orlando by attending Mass in a Diocese of Orlando church. Contact the Diocese at 407-246-4903 for Mass times, and read our blog for more information on keeping your child’s summer stimulating.


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