Encouraging Your Child’s Faith Life

blur-1867402_1920If your children are cradle Catholics who have been attending Mass at the Diocese of Orlando since they were born and are enrolled in a Catholic school in Orlando, chances are they take religion in stride as just another part of their lives. New Catholics tend to be more intrigued with religion and might be more likely to express an interest in extracurricular faith-based activities. You can encourage your child’s experience in faith with the following four tips.

  • Set an Example

If you expect your child to attend PRE (parish religious education) classes, you need to attend Mass with him or her. Also, keep in mind that attending PRE classes is far different than participating in them. Ask questions after class to ensure your child understands the lessons, can recite the prayers, and is aware of the power of faith.

  • Pray Together

Practicing Catholic prayers is one reason to pray as a family. Another is to learn what is troubling your child as he or she prays for forgiveness, healing for others, or for God’s protection. Much insight can be gained by taking part in prayers with your child.

  • Be Involved

The Diocese of Orlando and your church have many opportunities for volunteers either within the church or outside in the community. With its umbrella of organizations, you can find several Catholic charities that desperately need your expertise to lighten their load. Along the way, your child will learn how blessed he or she is compared to those in need along with learning compassion for others.

  • Live in Faith

Share simple convictions with your children to help them remember and realize the remarkable example Jesus is in their lives. By saying together, “In Jesus all things are possible” before a project is due at their Catholic school in Orlando, for instance, the stress can be greatly eased. Other words to live by include, “I will listen to God as He leads me through life,” “My daily life will follow the Ten Commandments,” and “I will act the same in my home as I do in public.” Studying on these profound messages focuses your child’s life while encouraging a faith-filled future.Give your child a head start on the blessings of faith by attending Mass regularly and participating in many of the activities and opportunities available at your Diocese of Orlando church. The Catholic school in Orlando where your child is educated surely gives your child an edge in faith; carry that ideal throughout the other aspects of your child’s faith life. Contact the Diocese at 407-246-4903 for pointers on Catholic parenting and our Orlando Catholic schools.Save


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