Balancing Life and Work: A Mom’s How-To

pexels-photo-515169When moms work, they have at least two full-time jobs: one that pays the bills and one that pays in love. Balancing these two occupations is often stressful, especially when being a mom and having a job overlap. The perfect example is when you’re in the middle of a meeting and you get a call from your child’s school. If you’re ever at a loss, here are a few methods you can use to help balance the demands of your career with your home life.Have Faith in Your Child’s SchoolWhen you enroll your child in an Orlando Catholic school, you are ensured that they are in a safe environment where their spiritual, educational, and physical needs are all being met by top educators. If your work a traditional 9-5 job, many schools have after-school programs to keep your child entertained and learning until later in the afternoon. Organize Your MorningsRushing through breakfast and bolting out the door is not a great way to start your day. A great way to avoid the morning rush is planning. Take the time each week to meal prep as much as possible. Before bed, strive to complete any task you would normally finish in the morning to help begin the day on a more relaxed note.Use a Calendar or a PlannerPost a calendar page on the refrigerator or keep a planner in the kitchen to record dates for recitals, games, performances, concerts, medical appointments, work schedules, parties, and more. A quick glance at the schedule will allow you to make appointments with ease instead of digging through tiny scraps of paper in the bottom of your purse.Limit Time-Wasting ActivitiesDo you really need to watch the latest movie or play a game on your phone when you could be playing or enjoying the company of your children? Dedicate time to be present with your children and leave your phone in your purse. Plan activities that involve the whole family. Your children will remember the moments you spend together, even if it is just reading together on a hammock.Give Yourself Some Breathing RoomSometimes you need a few hours to reset. It might be dinner with your spouse, a movie night with friends, or a workout at the gym. A few minutes of prayer will help free your mind and give you the clarity to think of solutions to many of the little crises that fill your days. Recharging your batteries will make you a better mom as well as a better employee. The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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