5 Ways to Ensure You’re a Fantastic Parent

pexels-photo-532508Children are born with so many capabilities and personalities that are unique to them. As a parent, raising your child to be happy, conscientious, caring, appreciative, and a good citizen is no easy task. On the road of parenting, you are bound to hit some speed bumps, but we encourage parents to create a caring and spiritual environment that will help your children thrive.Take Time to PlayAny activity you play with your child is extremely beneficial for her development, whether it’s a board game or a game of catch in the front yard. Dressing up as a storekeeper, doctor, or police officer can help your child work through the roles of different people and how they act. Strengthen family ties by taking the time to play and learn with your child.Model the Behavior You Want Children to LearnIf you tell your children not to snack between meals while you are eating a piece of cake at 3:00, the message will definitely come off as confusing. By the same token, if you want your children to be polite to others, show them with your actions. Always remember, you are your child’s role model.Give Praise and Be ThankfulWhen children are toddlers, it seems your primary reaction to their busy little hands is “no!” Using positive reinforcement when they return toys to the toy bin will give them the incentive to perform the same task. When your child completes a task as requested, don’t forget to say “thank you!” Little acts of kindness, such as giving praise, saying “please” and “thank you,” and following it with a hug will let your child know he is accomplishing great feats.Let Them ExploreChildren love to experiment. Instead of stifling creativity, give your child blocks and no directions to see what amazing things they can build. Share their fascination with a cardboard box. Let them choose an outfit to wear to a party, even if it’s a Halloween costume. Interact with their imaginative games and let them teach you the utter joy of being a child again.Be ActivePlay catch with a beach ball, swim, ride bikes, take a walk or find another activity to enjoy together. When you drive your child to soccer and watch him play, you are sending a message that children participate and parents watch. Break the pattern by exercising with your child a few times a week.No matter what the activity, the simple act of being with your child will ensure they know you care and love them. The hours you spend now will build trust and confidence in your child that will not fade over time.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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