Successful Athletes: Overcoming All Odds

pexels-photo-346796Oftentimes, the most successful athletes are not those who play the hardest or make the winning play. Instead, they are the athletes who overcome great obstacles and don’t give up, even when those around them tell them their goal is impossible.Many professional athletes have these kinds of stories to tell. Sometimes they talk about how they missed out on playing in an important game or were cut from a little league team but were steadfast in their passions. And sometimes their stories are so amazing you cannot help but admire these extremely talented individuals and marvel at their strengths against all odds.Sports Are Not Only for the Super HumanMany athletes have learned to play football or soccer by listening to cues and focusing on vibrations while using their sense of hearing to determine how and where to run, making the once reveled hand-eye coordination only one of many different gifts an athlete can possess.For example, a soccer league in Brazil has several athletes with partial vision or no vision. In order to “even the playing field,” the athletes with partial vision wear blindfolds. The match is played inside with a ball that contains a rattle so athletes can pinpoint its location.Before joining the league, many players fell victim to depression. However, their spirits were lifted when they were able to participate in a sport, build relationships with other athletes, and work as part of a team toward a common goal. Sports Injuries Are Not Always an End-AllFor the most part, an injury is an athlete’s worst fear. They often seem like the injured athlete may never play again. For the lucky ones, determination and strong-will can pull many individuals through even the worst traumas. Jillion Potter, a player on the US Olympic rugby team, suffered a broken neck while playing the game she loved several years ago. Doctors calmly explained that she would never be able to participate in rugby again, but she beat the odds and was back on the field a year later, only to be diagnosed with a rare soft tissue cancer. She underwent chemotherapy and radiation for seven months. Losing everything, but her winning attitude. She is now cancer-free. Her spirit and hard work helped her through all her treatments and were integral in shaping her as one of the most steadfast Olympic athletes.These stories, among others, can be a positive reinforcement for any young athlete in your life. Use these lessons to instill in your child the power of passion, hard work, and defying all odds. In order to raise a wholesome, faithful child, it’s important to not shy them away from trials and tribulations, but help them see the positivity in every misfortune. The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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