Closing Out a Strong School Year

First-Day-of-School-194Spring is transitioning into summer, and students are already transitioning into summer vacation. It is more and more difficult for many students to focus on upcoming exams and final projects with the weather being absolutely perfect for every sport but snowboarding. Help your Seminole County private school student close out the school year with style with the following tips from the Diocese of Orlando.RestockWhen erasers and binders are run down and empty, your child’s outlook may feel the same. Spend a few dollars investing in a new round of school supplies to last throughout the remainder of the semester. Sometimes showing off a special pencil is all that is necessary to replace the spring in your child’s step.Stay PositiveWhen you grouse about working when the weather is gorgeous, your child picks up your attitude. Instead, talk about how much fun you can both have when school is out for the day and you can take a bike ride together, or plan a day at the beach for the weekend as long as grades are good.Set GoalsThe days until summer vacation seem endless. Have your child set short-term goals to help time pass. For instance, if your child’s class has Accelerated Reading quizzes, have a goal to finish ten books and pass all ten AR quizzes with 80% or better within a week, month, or by the end of the school year. This gives both a short-term goal (reading a book) and a long-term goal (passing all ten quizzes).Keep the RoutineSpring fever can be checked if a normal routine is followed. Household chores and homework still need to be completed no matter how nice it is outside. Ensure everything is completed satisfactorily and not rushed through just to go outside. Also, the recent time change means the sun is out much later than usual, but that does not change bedtime.School will be over before you realize it, and the lazy days of summer will begin. Be sure your child stays on track until the train departs for summer fun. Look online for your Seminole County private school’s website to determine when end-of-year exams are held and when final projects should be turned in. Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4903 for any other year-end events for the parish or your local Catholic church. Our blog page has plenty of information on study habits for those final exams and parenting techniques to help your child perform at his or her best.


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