5 Tips for Graduating Seniors

BMCHS-Bacc-Mass-013The long, arduous road lined with studying, athletics, deep prayer, and final exams is reaching its end, as graduation is only a few weeks away. It seems as if life has reached its culminating moment and all the work completed so far has led to this conclusion. However, graduation is only a stepping stone into the future of adulthood. The Diocese of Orlando has compiled a few tips for its graduates from the Catholic high schools in Orlando, Florida, to help them reach their goals after graduation.

  • Start Now

Even though college is a few months away for most graduates, it takes a lot more effort than simply showing up to a class on the first day of college. Enrollment, eligibility, student loans and scholarships, housing, food allowance, transportation… the amount of preparation before beginning college takes months, if not longer. Summer is better enjoyed without a cloud of worry blotting out the Florida sunshine.

  • Think About Your Skills

Chances are your Catholic education has placed you in the upper echelon in the pool of 2017 graduates. Proving you are superior to your peers in the competition for admittance to a university means focusing on what you can do better than anyone else you know. This may mean computer graphics, dance, writing, or calculus. Whatever your drive, showcase it to give yourself the edge you deserve. Digging deeply into what makes you happy may provide you with a realistic life goal; for instance, if you are fascinated with skeletons, you may ultimately study forensics.

  • Write it Down

Use an app, a planner, a calendar, or any other method you find easy to understand to write down class assignments once you enter college. Instructors are not interested that you have two other major exams when they schedule a paper. Physically looking at your schedule will allow you to prioritize your time, which will be in short supply.

  • Pray

Sometimes life can feel overwhelming. When you believe you cannot take on any more, bend your knees in prayer. Give the load to Jesus. He will help you. Praying calms your mind and soothes your perspective. Anything is possible when you share your burden with Jesus.

  • Find Time to Work Out

Your Catholic school exemplified the “mind, body, and spirit” aspect of education for a reason; students who were involved in sports and prayer were more likely to excel in academics. Keep up the routine of walking, riding your bike, playing tennis, or joining a campus sports team. The camaraderie you develop with your peers will help you through difficult bouts of nonstop studying and writing, and the endorphins released while exercising will enhance study sessions.Graduating from a Catholic high school in Orlando, Florida has prepared you for the next step in your educational journey. Make the most of what you have learned in high school by staying in focus, setting goals, and finishing what you start. The Diocese of Orlando congratulates all its 2017 seniors and knows they will share the knowledge, faith, and compassion they learned during their Catholic school years wherever the world takes them. Contact the Diocese at 407-246-4903 for dates and times for our graduations, and read information pertaining to education on our blog page.Save


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