Creating the Best Study Space

student-1571488_1920(1)For many students, homework may not be a generally entertaining activity. Children tend to put it off until the last minute or slip by with the least amount of work possible. Many times, the problem is more with the environment and less with the ability of the student. Read the following information brought to you by the Seminole County private schools in the Diocese of Orlando to create the ultimate study space.Eliminate DistractionsSome students are easily distracted and tend to visit with family members or focus on a television program instead of on their homework. A good choice for these students is to dedicate a space away from the hubbub of the household. The time and energy wasted on non-school activities can then be devoted to completing the task at hand.Some students rely on their computers to study while others find they would rather spend computer time catching up with friends or playing games. When a computer’s primary role is entertainment, it is difficult for many students to transform the computer into a study tool. If your child’s schoolwork is computer-based and it is not being completed in the amount of time you expect it to be, ensure the computer can only visit specific, school-approved sites.Designate a Specific, Dedicated AreaChildren who need assistance with their homework need an area that can accommodate two people at least. Make this area a specific spot, not a cleared corner of the kitchen table. When one area is designated the “study area,” children are more likely to only study in that spot. Similar to dining rooms are for eating, a study area should only be for homework and studying.Provide Necessary SuppliesOutfit the homework area with everything your child usually needs to complete homework: paper, pencils, pens, a computer, stapler, tape, et cetera. Most supplies can be stored in a small bin atop the surface of the study area or tucked below the table. A stand-alone storage container works well for more or larger supplies such as bulkier art supplies. Elementary-aged children are more likely to use supplies that are readily visible, so leave the pencils and papers on the table and tuck away the staples and tape, which may be a distraction.Remember to explain to your child what you expect in a study area, and then involve him or her in choosing where that area should be and how it should be designed. Your child’s input will help develop a sense of ownership of the area. That pride will ensure it is kept tidy and the likelihood of completing homework will increase. For more Seminole County private school study strategies, read our blogs and contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4903.


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