Private School Parents are More Satisfied With Quality of Education

affection-1866868_1920When parents are actively involved in choosing the Orlando private school that best matches the abilities of their child, they are generally more satisfied with that school. In a unique parent satisfaction survey comparing parents with children in private or charter schools with parents of children in public schools, it was found that the former category was much more satisfied with the level of education their children were receiving. The results were compiled from two surveys conducted by Education Next, a research and opinion journal focusing on school reform issues. The Diocese of Orlando’s Catholic schools have abundant opportunities to help your child exceed your educational expectations.

  • Survey respondents included 1,500 parents in a nationally representative sample queried in May and June 2016. The results of this survey were added to a second, much larger survey from 2012 and released in 2015 of 17,000 parents.
  • After reading the surveys, Paul Peterson, Professor of Government and Director of the Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard Kennedy School, believes the responses are a matter of economics. In his viewpoint, private schools are receiving funds directly from the parents and are therefore more likely appease parents by working closely with students and helping them become more successful.
  • Many of the points mentioned in the survey, including teacher quality, discipline, academic expectations, and instruction in character and values, are cornerstones in a Catholic education. This was obvious on the survey when a whopping 25% of respondents marked they were more satisfied with their private school students’ education than parents of public school students.
  • Private school parents reported they were more satisfied with their schools than charter or public school parents, and, while parents of elementary-aged children were generally more satisfied across the nation than parents of high school-aged students, that statistic was reversed for private school parents.
  • The National Center for Education Statistics reports 5% of all students in the United States attend charter schools (2.5 million students) and 10% (5.4 million students) attend private schools.
  • Either end of the income spectrum – high and low-income parents – are more satisfied with private schools than with charter or public schools.

Contact the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4903 to learn how our Orlando private schools can meet the needs of your child regardless of age, academic performance, or income. Our blog page highlights many of our Catholic schools and answers questions parents are likely to ask pertaining to a private school education.


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