Easy, Breezy, Bedtime

As a parent, if your child fights sleep, struggles to calm down for bedtime, or comes home late from clubs or sports practices, the end of the day can be tough. This can negatively impact not only you but your child as well. Getting up in the mornings may be hard, and lacking energy can prevent your child from receiving a proper education and physical activity. However, these tips can make bedtime easier for you and your child. Turn Off Electronics Earlier in the EveningElectronics give off blue light, which is designed to closely resemble natural daylight so it’s easier on your eyes. But this light tricks our brains into thinking that it’s still daylight, which interferes with our body’s normal melatonin production, a chemical our bodies need to relax and fall asleep at night. LEDs are the worst perpetrators of this blue light. The National Sleep Foundation recommends turning off electronics one hour prior to bedtime, but if this isn’t possible, the Mayo Clinic suggests dimming the brightness and keeping it 14 inches from your face. Check to see if your phone or computer has a night mode you can activate!Make a Darker BedroomIf your child’s bedroom has too much light filtering in from street lamps, install blackout curtains, and if you have a younger child who is afraid of the dark, opt for nightlights with red bulbs. Remove backlit clocks, radios, or any other devices that emit unwelcome light. Keep it ComfortableHaving a room that is too cold or too hot can prevent your child from sleeping well. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 65 and 70 degrees. This may need to be adjusted depending on the humidity, your child’s bedding, and her pajamas. For example, a young child that wears a fleece onesie to bed may need a colder room temperature to prevent overheating. Start the Day With SunlightMorning light is the most natural way to trigger your body and brain that it’s time to wake up. Open your child’s curtains in the morning when it’s time to wake up, or just before it’s time to wake up. Once he’s awake, take him for a walk outside or eat breakfast together on your back porch. Keep Them ActiveMake sure your child burns off excess energy so that their mind and body are ready for rest. Encourage physical activity by supporting her sports team or taking her to a park to play during the day. At night, transition to quieter activities such as reading, puzzles, or board games.Keep a Routine Finally, it’s important to stick to a sleeping schedule. Your child’s sleeping rhythm will adjust to this schedule and she’ll be ready to sleep and wake up at this time every day. The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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