Youth Group: Why You (And Your Child) Need It

When it comes to youth ministry, it can sometimes feel like more of a hassle than a benefit — an extra commitment, or one more thing you have to drive your child to (or force him to attend) — but youth group is a vital part of your child’s faith journey. Take a look at these three reasons why youth group should be a priority in you and your child’s lives.Build Your TeamYour youth pastor and the team of adult volunteers love your child and want to partner with you. They want to encourage your child’s spiritual growth, offer him or her a safe space, and help him or her develop as a person. However, their influence is different than yours. If you tell your child, “Homework and studying are important,” but the church’s college intern tells him all about his favorite classes and how taking time to study helps, your child will likely be more influenced by the intern! Your child needs people who speak your same values into his world. This is also a wonderful opportunity for you to get involved in his world. Volunteer at retreats, meet his friends, get to know his favorite intern, and have dinner with the other parents you see volunteering! All of you are there for the same reason.Faithful InfluencersLet’s face it — as much as you would like to, you can’t pick your children’s friends. They attend school for eight hours a day and spend time with students of all different backgrounds. And while this is a wonderful opportunity for them to observe the beauty of the world and different cultures, your child needs a place filled with people who share their beliefs and can relate to their experiences. Her “youth group friends” won’t necessarily just stay at youth group; these are the kids she can eat lunch with every day, go to the beach with on the weekends, and room with at college.Putting Church FirstTaking your child to youth group signifies that church, community, and our relationship with God is a priority outside of Sunday Mass. It puts faith at the forefront of their minds and this is a great way to make it personal.These three things are important, not only for the development of your child, but for yours as well. While your child will learn from your example, you will learn from theirs as well; as they begin to prioritize youth group, share what they’re learning, and come home happy and excited about the next retreat, you will feel inspired and encouraged.The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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