How You Can Grow Closer to God

We are usually told to make our goals small, concrete, and specific, but what happens when our goals involve our spiritual life? When your goal is to grow closer to God, there is a simple way to do this successfully! Here are a few steps to make it happen. Start SmallUndertaking a huge accomplishment can be overwhelming and a sure way to set yourself up for failure. Instead, put aside your anxiety and guilt about not being perfect, and focus on taking small steps to achieve your goals. Write down these small steps to help you stick to them, such as praying for five minutes every day or attending a monthly Bible study.Daily RoutineCreate a morning or bedtime routine that includes a few minutes of prayer, writing in your journal, or reading the Bible. Ask your spouse or child to hold you accountable, and encourage them to join you by starting their own routine! This way, you can talk with your family about what you’re learning during your quiet time with God, and learning how others interpret the Bible is another great way to grow your faith.Devote a Weekly HourEach week, trade out one hour of passive time, such as watching television or scrolling on your phone, for spiritual education. This can be devotional reading, listening to a podcast, or meditation and prayer. Monthly VerseEach month, make a point to select and memorize a new verse to use as a prayer for your family. Try choosing one that is new or timely for you. Write it down on an index card and make it your mantra for the month; keep it in your purse, wallet, or car so you see it often. Pray for the YearSet aside time to think and write down the prayers you have for the year. You can ask your spouse and children for their prayers as well. Then, commit this list to God and display it in a prominent spot where you can make note as prayers are fulfilled. By incorporating these small steps, you’ll soon find your relationship with God stronger than ever!The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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