What to Expect at Open Houses

Attending a school’s open house is a great way to learn about and experience the community. The Catholic schools of Orlando have compiled a basic list of things you can expect to learn and should request to do at any open house.Tour the SchoolThis is your family’s opportunity to see exactly what the school has to offer. Does the school engage students by displaying their artwork and achievements? Do they offer access to technological resources? Are students prepared for the next step in their education?Meet the TeachersThis is the perfect time to meet your child’s prospective teacher(s). You can put a face to the person who, besides you and your family, will spend the most time with your child in the upcoming year. Do they feel like a good fit? Do they offer a welcoming classroom atmosphere? Meeting your child’s future teacher can go a long way to relieving any anxiety about sending them to a new schoolLearn About ExtracurricularsOpen houses are also a great opportunity to learn about the school’s clubs and activities. Is there a wide variety of choices? Is your student able to participate in something that encourages healthy, creative, and knowledgeable activity? Use this chance to get your student excited about attending Catholic school.There are many exciting things to learn at these open houses, but with these three first steps, you can ensure that you gain the full scope of what your student’s potential school has to offer them on an academic, social, and creative level. The Orlando Catholic school's blog helps parents encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about what makes our schools different, contact us online or at 407-246-4800.


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