What Students Need to Know About Getting into College

board-2433982_1280Unfortunately, when it comes to college, there’s no perfect formula for balancing education and extracurriculars in a way that guarantees your student admission into his dream school. However, there are ways to prepare. Here are a few tips to help him stand out and make his applications shineAdmissions isn’t 100% PersonalFrom a college admissions perspective, choosing applicants is about more than specific qualifications; their goals are to increase diversity and bring in more revenue, so choices aren’t based completely on GPA or the number of awards received. Remind your student that there are factors out of his control and rejection doesn’t automatically mean failure.Grades MatterMany resources tell you that colleges want to get to know “the real you” in the application, and while flavoring an admissions essay with personality will help your student stand out, selective colleges do pay attention to academic accomplishments that are rigorous and robust.You're Than a GPAOnce your student has made it into the initial pool of applicants with outstanding credentials, colleges look for attributes such as leadership, courage, empathy, emotional intelligence, passion, critical thinking, curiosity, optimism, grit, perseverance, and the ability to overcome adversity.Geography is ImportantMost colleges want students from all over – preferably all 50 states. In fact, some colleges are trying earnestly to bridge the urban-rural divide by paying particular attention to promising applicants from less-populous areas.Emphasize Your EmpathyMore and more, admissions offices are urged to reward applicants who demonstrate sustained community service. Colleges want students who help others – whether neighbors, peers, or family members – on a regular basis. For example, offering weekly tutoring will often hold a lot of weight to these admissions officers.Keep all this in mind as you and your student navigate the world of college applications. It can feel overwhelming, but with these tips, your student stands a better chance of submitting a successful application as well as recovering if their application is unfortunately rejected.The Catholic school's in Orlando blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Catholic schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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