How to Help Your Child with Their Mathematical Studies

board-935455_1920Elementary students are often puzzled over mathematics. The concept of adding and subtracting is difficult to master, and parents are often asked to assist with homework. The trend of homework help continues as your child progresses from one grade to the next, and the role you play becomes more and more challenging. The Orlando Catholic Diocese has the following suggestions for you and your child to progress more easily through each year of math offered by schools in Orlando.Age ConsiderationsEducators realize that small children need concrete examples when they are learning new concepts. Showing 2 + 2 = 4 means nothing to most first graders, but adding two sticks to two more sticks and counting the combined sticks is highly effective. When possible, use items to make math understandable. This may mean ordering a pizza for dinner to explain fractions, but sometimes math means sacrifices must be made...and eaten.Learn by TeachingWorksheets generally have examples of solved problems. Have your child run through the examples and explain to you each step along the way. Any time a student has to teach someone else (in this case, you), the level of understanding increases exponentially.The Importance of Note TakingCoach your child to take notes. A good rule of thumb is anything written on the board needs to be copied into the notes. Math teachers start with easy problems and layer the first problem with a second skill level, increasing each level until even the most difficult problems in the lesson are worked through.Homework ChecksCheck homework frequently. Many students come up with the correct answers and simply write the result on the page with no information on how the answer was thought through. Practice writing out the entire problem with your child, step by step. It will cause groans and whining, but teachers who are grading tests cannot give even partial credit to a problem when they see only one incorrect response without any information on how that response was determined.Look Online for HelpMany parents are not fluent in algebra, much less trigonometry or calculus, and the homework assignments may be beyond their scope of expertise. If your child is unable to apply the information within notes and the textbook to the homework assignment, suggest a tutorial from Khan Academy. The short videos are divided into subject, then individual areas within the subject. For instance, mathematics is broken into geometry, and the Pythagorean Theorem is explained in a video. Become a member and the interactive games reward you with medals and level advancement.Stay involved in your child’s academics, especially math, because math concepts are built on a very wide foundation. If a step in that foundation is misunderstood, all information that follows will be faulted. If you are unable to assist your scholar, contact the Orlando Diocese Office of Catholic Schools at 407-246-4900 to determine if after school tutoring is available at any of their schools in Orlando. Read our other blogs for more information pertaining to the role parents play in their children’s education.


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