How To Share Your Catholic Faith

With everything that God has done in your life, your Catholic beliefs are a core part of who you are. It takes courage and humility to share those beliefs in today’s world, but doing so can help bring people to God and give them the same peace you have. These ideas from Orlando private schools can help you start opening up about your faith.Bring Up Church in Your Daily ConversationsThe first step in being open about your faith is being honest about how you spend your time. If people don’t even know you go to church, it’s unlikely they’ll open up to you with their questions and thoughts about God. When you’re having a conversation about how you spent your weekend, don’t be afraid to mention the Sunday service you attended. If you’re discussing your weekday evening plans with a group of friends, go ahead and tell them about the church group you spend time with on Wednesdays. Not only does this let people know about your faith, it may make others who are quiet about their beliefs feel more empowered to talk about them.Be a Walking Example of Your FaithIn many cases, actions speak louder than words. To share your faith, you have to live it. Don’t get caught up in behaviors like gossiping or swearing, no matter how tempting they may be. Once people know you follow God, they see your actions in a whole different light — so make sure that your actions look favorable.Show Your Faith on Social MediaThere’s no doubt that social media is one of the most effective ways to reach people in this day and age. Follow Catholic Facebook pages or Instagram profiles for inspiration and connection. Share inspiring Bible verses, quotes, and pictures to your page. You never know who your words will reach and what seed you’ll plant in someone’s heart.Be Ready for a ConversationOnce you start putting your beliefs out there for people to see, people might start speaking up. You’ll be surprised to find out how many people yearn for the peace, hope, and connection that come from a relationship with God. Be ready to talk to those with questions, doubts, or thoughts. Sharing your faith can challenge you and help you deepen your own beliefs as you build connections with those around you.Our blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Orlando private schoolscontact us at 407-246-4800. 


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