The Importance of Teaching Children the Sacraments

As practicing Catholics, the Sacraments are an important aspect of our faith and religious journey, so it’s important for your child to understand them. But how do you explain them in a way that your child will not only understand but engage in? We’ve compiled some simple explanations for each sacrament that you can use to help teach your children.BaptismWe are all born with sins. It’s called original sin and was committed by Adam and Eve. When we are baptized, that sin is washed away and we become sons and daughters of God, as well as part of the Church. The EucharistThe Eucharist is a re-enactment of the Last Supper, the final meal Jesus shared with the 12 disciples. At the meal, Jesus ate bread wine and instructed his disciples to do the same in his memory. At the moment of Consecration during every Holy Mass, the Holy Spirit - through our priests - turns the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, and we are able to eat and receive Him into our souls. ConfirmationConfirmation builds on what was begun in baptism. It affirms that one has chosen Jesus and the Church, and that they accept responsibility for their faith. At this point, our bishop anoints us with oil (the Holy Chrism) and says, “I sign thee with the Sign of the Cross, and I confirm thee with the Chrism of salvation, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” This means that through the Holy Spirit, our faith and love are deepened, and we live with the certainty that God is with us always.ReconciliationThrough a priest who listens to the confession of our sins, God forgives every action and omission of ours that has offended Him. We examine our consciences to be truly remorseful for the wrong we’ve done and the good we haven’t. Anointing of the SickWhen someone is very sick or very old and may pass away soon, a priest will go to that person and anoint them. This forgives all of the sick person’s sins and prepares her or him for their time to pass on. God brings strength, peace, and encouragement to those suffering during the last moments of their lives.Holy OrdersThis is a Sacrament only received by those who hear the calling to priesthood. Those who receive this Sacrament will be priests forever and their souls are permanently marked and called apart by God.MatrimonyThis is the Sacrament of union between two people who go before God to unite their bodies and souls. The model set for all Catholics is the holy union between Mary and Joseph, and those that are called to marriage celebrate God every day through their love and care for their spouse and family.The Orlando Catholic school's blog helps parents encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about what makes our schools different, contact us online or at 407-246-4800.


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