Encourage Continued Learning At Home

Studies show that without frequent engagement in the concepts your child is learning, retention becomes difficult, and can even be lost completely over the summer. In fact, the equivalent of one month of overall learning is lost after summer vacation. This means your child must use the first part of their school year catching up before they can move forward. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to encourage continued learning at home and prepare your child for future success.Encourage ReadingTake frequent trips to the library and let your child pick out books that interest them. Set aside time that is designated for reading, and model this for your child by reading as well. Promote Physical ActivityWhile not necessarily building their minds, physical activity is important to keep your child healthy and focused. It also helps them hone important skills like hand-eye coordination and balance, so make sure to enroll them in a sport or outdoor activity that they enjoy.Incorporate TechKids love engaging with technology and hands-on activities, and having some regulated screen time can actually promote important work skills like problem-solving and critical thinking. Download some educational apps, start a building project together, or bake together to offer your student valuable developmental skills.Provide Homework HelpStudents whose parents are engaged in their schoolwork are more successful because they feel supported. Engage with your student on a daily basis to encourage their love of learning and stay informed on concepts they are studying in class. With these simple tips, you can make education at home fun and easy for everyone, and prepare your child for success in the classroom and beyond.The Orlando Catholic school's blog helps parents encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about what makes our schools different, contact us online or at 407-246-4800. 


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