Parents Need Breaks, Too

Any parent knows children are a full-time job. And like any full-time job, it’s difficult to find time for rest and relaxation. But self-care is important, and taking that time helps you become the parent you want to be. So how can you take time when you can’t leave home without the children? Here’s a few suggestions on how to turn small moments at home into big opportunities for a break.Make 15 Minutes Matter MoreDuring nap time or study sessions, give yourself permission to step away. Treat yourself to a few moments with your favorite book, a phone call with a friend, or take time to catch up on chores so you can get to bed earlier.Balance the LoadThere is no shame in asking for help. Ask your spouse, a relative, or friend to take the children for a playdate or even on a grocery store run. Enjoy a quiet home with a nap, or blast some music and get your chores done in a quick, enjoyable way. You can also ask someone to stay home with the children while you take a quick walk or go on a coffee run.Spa Soak in the BathroomAfter the children have gone to bed, grab a scented bath bomb, light your favorite candle, and play calming music. Baths are a great time to decompress and relieve tired muscles. Incorporate the benefits of aromatherapy by adding a few drops of lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint essential oils to the water.Block Out the NoiseTake advantage of noise-reducing headphones and listen to your favorite podcast while you do yard work, laundry, or cook dinner.Practicing small breaks in the little moments of every day can make parenting a much lighter load to tackle, and your children and spouse will appreciate the brighter mood it leaves you in as well!The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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