Lessons Learned at Mass That Prepare Kids for School

Every Sunday, you pack the family into the car and head off to church for Mass, where you learn valuable lessons about faith, the Bible, and God’s love. However, did you know that the lessons your children learn at Mass benefit their education as well? Take a look at how these prepare your children for success at school!

  • Students learn the importance of being quiet while someone else is speaking. In the classroom, not only will they be quiet while their teacher presents a lesson, but when their classmates speak or give presentations as well.


  • Children learn to actively listen to instruction, which helps them absorb information quickly in the classroom.


  • In Mass, children must sit still and focus for an extended period of time. This is an important skill, and in school, it helps them focus on homework, study for big tests, and concentrate throughout those tests.


  • Children will learn to follow directions. In Mass, we sit, stand, and kneel; in school, this translates to students listening to their teachers as well as other classmates.


  • During Mass, children learn to appreciate music and recognize the sounds of different instruments. When in music or theater classes at school, students can relate concepts of rhythm and tone to what they experience each Sunday. As they learn about the beauty of lyrics, this also helps them better understand poetry and literature.


  • Prayers and songs must be memorized for Mass. This helps children become stronger readers. Practicing memorization each Sunday will also make it easier to retain information for school.


  • During the sign of peace, children learn how to formally greet someone and properly shake their hand. When children meet prospective teachers, principals, guidance counselors, or parents of new friends, they will know what to do.


  • As you model respect for your priest, children will learn from you and begin to understand how and why to respect authority — but they will also learn about respect overall. They will treat their teachers and peers with kindness and patience.


  • Children learn the value of “unplugging” from cell phones, computers, and televisions to be in the moment during Mass. Studies have shown that today’s children have a shorter attention span than goldfish. It can be easy to just pick up a phone or video game. By exercising their willpower to resist temptation, they learn to disconnect. This skill will help students focus both on lessons and homework.

Our blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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