Homework Tips for Your Procrastinator

Let’s face it: we all have moments where we put off today’s to-do list and say, “I’ll just do that tomorrow” — laundry, anyone? — but some of us are bigger procrastinators than others. This applies to children too! If you’ve noticed that you’ve got a procrastinator on your hands, take steps to help shake that bad habit.Block Off Time in Their ScheduleBetween after-school activities, dinner, and his favorite TV shows, your child might wait until the last minute to complete assignments. Explain to him that doing a little bit at a time is more effective and makes assignments more enjoyable. Sit down with him each week to review his schedule and workload, and help him block out time to work ahead on projects or studying. For example, if your child has a 5-page paper due in 2 weeks, encourage him to take a research day and then write one page a day for the next week. Then he will have a few days to reread his work and edit it accordingly. Designate a Distraction-Free Homework Spot Help your child find or create a space in your home that can be her workspace. Creating this space can be a great bonding activity! You can shop together for comfortable furniture that encourages good posture, lighting that is easy on the eyes, and even new paint to fill the space with a soft, neutral color. Don’t forget to get new office supplies — brightly colored pens can make all the difference!Make Study Time Screen-FreeMake sure to tell your child that phone-free homework time isn’t a punishment; adults can get distracted by their phones as well. If your child needs to use the computer for school, remind him how important it is to stay focused. Establish rules early on: if you catch him playing around on his favorite site or checking social media when he’s supposed to be studying, warn that there will be consequences, but also explain you trust him to come to you if he knows he needs help setting boundaries. Make sure he knows that boundaries are not a punishment, and give him examples of how you set them up for yourself as well! This way, if your child makes the mistake of giving into temptation, they know they can come to you for help. If necessary, there are apps that block various websites for certain amounts of time.Encourage Them to PrioritizeTeach your child to prioritize stressful deadlines and their least-favorite homework assignments. Once they realize how completing these assignments and getting them out of the way makes the rest of homework time much easier, they’ll start using this tactic on their own. Ensure that you portray positive attitudes about work and homework! Ultimately, following these tips and being your child’s role model can help eliminate procrastination habits and set him or her up for future success.Our blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about Orlando private schools, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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