Private Versus Public: The Ultimate School Debate

pencil-918449_1920The debate between whether a private school or a public school is superior has been keeping educators and parents discussing the merits of either institution for decades. A Harris Interactive poll in 2009 found that 25% of parents with school-aged children are considering switching to a public school from either another public school or a private school simply because of the national economy. The Diocese of Orlando would like parents to consider only a few of the many sticking points between a private and a public education as we share many positive aspects of enrolling students in a private school in Orlando.Specialized SubjectsPublic schools are able to focus on specific subjects, such as magnet schools pulling in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students with their stylized curriculum. While these schools have been popping up within the past decade, private middle and high schools offer electives specific to STEM, liberal arts, or ecology.ExpenseThe biggest game changer in the decision to enroll your child in a public or private school is almost always the expense. With public school’s free education, parents believe their money can be better invested elsewhere. Studies have shown that Catholic private school graduates are more likely to earn more money, to graduate from college and to be more involved in their communities. Even better, the National Catholic Educational Association reports that Catholic schools are some of the most affordable private schools in the nation. Weighing these advantages against the tuition costs, the expense seems more in line with what you want for your children. Now consider the amount of students who are eligible for scholarships that will pay a portion or the entire amount of tuition and a private school becomes the best of all worlds.PoliticsPolitics do not seem to be in any way associated with the education of children. However, public schools are paid through local, state, and federal taxes, and, as such, must comply with governmental regulations.ReligionReligion is a touchy subject in public schools. Teachers are told not to mention God and all philosophical discussions are tabled. In contrast, God is an integral part of Catholic private schools and religion is tied into the curriculum. God’s word is not only talked about in Catholic schools, it is practiced. Students reach out to the community by visiting the elderly, clothing and feeding the poor, and traveling abroad to share God’s word.Will your child benefit from a private school education? It is a good idea to define how your child learns and whether academic goals are being met. If you believe your child’s full potential is not being realized, a private school in Orlando such as the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Orlando may be the best choice, especially if you are seeking an education that includes educating the mind, body, and soul. Call the Diocese of Orlando at 407-246-4903 to learn about our Catholic schools and read our blogs for information pertaining to education, scholarship opportunities, and tips on helping your child succeed.


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