Raising Catholic Teens

family-775059_1280In a growing secular world, you might find that it’s becoming more and more difficult to instill in your child a passion for faith life and following in Jesus’ footsteps. At the end of the day, free will means that your teenager’s choice to adhere to the Catholic faith must be entirely his own. However, as a parent, there are a few ways in which you can prepare your home and shape your child to be open to receiving Jesus and the Catholic faith into his heart. Rely on Your a CommunityWe use the word “church” for a reason. Church doesn’t refer to Mass or the building in which we celebrate Mass. Church refers to our Catholic community of Christ-followers with whom we gather in fellowship each week to worship and celebrate Christ’s glory. This Catholic community that we are all apart of can and should be more for you and your family than a small greeting before or after service. Use this community as a network to encourage faith-minded friendships between your teenager and other families, and help keep each other accountable, encouraging prayer-filled lives and modest, dignified activities centered on glorifying Christ.In the digital age, demonstrating a modest and moral living to your teen is the only way to combat the inappropriate messages he is exposed to in the media. Rely on your Catholic community to help protect your teens from these messages and just remember: the Internet is bigger than you, and it takes something bigger than yourself to outshine its influence.Lead By ExampleDo you tell your teen one thing, but do another yourself? As adults, we sometimes take for granted that teenagers are old enough to think for themselves. They are watching, and dissecting your every word and action. It is vital to do your best not to come off as a hypocrite. Your teen’s trust in your word, and his likelihood to follow by your example will be influenced by what you say and do. Caution IndifferenceSo much of what is consumed in popular culture is counter-intuitive to the moral and modest lifestyle you want to encourage in your teenager. The tendency becomes that, as we consume more and more of the films, TV, and music that are churned out by popular culture, we become indifferent to the sinful choices that are often glorified or celebrated. Be wary of this as your teenager becomes more and more exposed to the world around him.While it does no good to try and shelter your child completely from the outside world, it’s important that you are mindful of the exposure that you can control, and have honest, open conversations with your teen about what he may be learning and absorbing outside of your home.PrayerAt the end of the day, you cannot control or force your teen’s choices. It is much better to encourage an open, honest, and loving relationship with him that includes family prayer and Mass celebration. These family activities and your relationship with your teen are things you can control. For those things that are out of your control, it is best to turn to prayer. Give over your worries, concerns, and failings to God, and know that he will always watch over, love, and welcome your child. While there is never a guarantee that your teen will accept her or his Catholic faith and Jesus into his heart, you will be giving your child every possible opportunity to do so by following these tips. His exposure to a wonderful, devout, faith-filled community, your example, and your guidance navigating through the modern digital age and culture are the strongest foundations you can offer your teen.  The Orlando Catholic school's blog page has helpful hints for parents to encourage their children to excel academically, spiritually, and socially. To learn more about private schools in Orlando, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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