How Religious Curriculum Can Enhance Your Child’s Education

religiousParents want the best education possible for their children and understand that a private education often exceeds the quality of a public education. A private school with a religious curriculum obviously promises the same quality, but does religion have any bearing on improving your child’s education? Indeed it does. Here is how a religious curriculum can stimulate your child’s ability to learn and succeed in a Catholic school in Orlando.Religion + EducationReligious education, integrated with a strong academic curriculum, gives students an understanding of faith and emphasizes how faith in yourself, others, and God will help achieve academic goals. Working with others is nearly impossible if no trust exists, but when faith intervenes and trust returns, collaborative learning blossoms.Self-DisciplineSelf-discipline is another aspect of religious teaching not often stressed in public schools. Students who are disciplined tend to have better emotional control, are more engaged in their learning, and complete tasks in a timely manner. When students engage in self-discipline, they are more accessible and open to forming lasting friendships. Likewise, their engagement in the classroom leads to asking more questions for better understanding of the material.StructureMost educators understand the importance of structure, especially in elementary classrooms. Structure in all grade levels gives students a sense of security; knowing roll will be called, prayers will be recited, bells will ring, and teachers will present information helps students’ burgeoning brains to focus on lessons instead of marking out anything that does not fit a specific parameter. Change is difficult for developing minds, and structure alleviates the pressure of unnecessary change.Higher ExpectationsHigher expectations exist in private schools with a religious curriculum. Research has proven that when teachers expect more from their students, those students are more likely to produce quality work. Raising the bar, so to speak, stimulates interest and gives students short- and long-term goals: finish the report on time, become an altar server, earn an A on a history project, or make the sports team. All these goals can be mastered through practice and determination. When teachers believe their students can produce exemplary work, students begin to believe they are capable of that level of achievement inside the classroom, as well as outside its walls.Catholic schools in Orlando, such as those within the Orlando Catholic Diocese, offer more than academics. Enhancing the spiritual well-being of a child leads to advances in academics. Learn more about the religious curriculum offered in any of our schools by contacting us at 407-246-4900 and by reading our blogs concerning many of our schools as well as our educational philosophy.


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